Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Does Genital Herpes Prodrome Feel Like

Happy New Year! \\ STRANGE DAYS (USA, 1995) Kathryn Bigelow

I remember it like it was time: the room full, the lights go down, a few minutes and stunned the audience that is literally a crazy rhythm, deafening, overflowing ... a river of color, sound, action, amazingly and wonderfully irresistible kitsch. Someone puts his fingers in his ears, someone will complain about 'the volume is too high', the rest (the majority) are overwhelmed by the images and the strength of this fiction-contemporary (not a paradox) signed by Kathryn Bigelow.

E 'on the last day of the year, perhaps the last days of humanity, the world is insane and people will go bust with the' squid ', the latest to abandon the illusion and to escape an inescapable destiny. Yet in this whirlwind of feelings is filthy even those who bravely and romantically, believes in love and hope. Strange Days is a film for those who have the courage to 'believe', no matter what: in God, the people, hope in the future. It was 1995 when I saw it: they were not even the Twin Towers collapsed, but there was already a company who theorized without reference points and lobotomized by 'Big Brother' ...

Yet the final, that final, in a New Year's hysterical and tumultuous, so artificial, irreverent, absurd, unbelievable, is one of the most beautiful final I have ever seen the movies. Strange Days is the movie 'mandatory' waiting to see the new year, perhaps sipping a good wine or clutching the hand of a loved one. And, inevitably, make a wish.
Happy New Year to all!

"Look around you! The world is all a mess. What do you care to die?" So the world will end in 10 minutes "

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jamaican Traditional Style And Dress

Merry Christmas! \\ AMERICAN LIFE (USA, 2010) Sam Mendes

'Away we go' says the original title, far more eloquent than buckled from our distribution, which mimics the recent past, the director Sam Mendes ... America is described in this film in fact has nothing to 'Beauty', but rather looks like any other country in the world, with the same problems and the same hopes of a young couple looking for, believe you can find it really, a kind of 'place' where to give birth to their son.
Bart and Verona are both thirty-four, precarious, with few certainties and many dreams in my head. And they live their insecurity and disillusionment with total awareness, typical of those in this condition, in fact, there is always.

They wander far and wide for all of North America, from Phoenix to Tucson, from Madison to Colorado and to Canada in search of 'community' to establish and perfect where plant roots through this journey came upon characters improbable and surreal, like a cousin of Bart and totally sirocco 'flower child' (With a huge bed where they sleep all the members of the family, children included), the brother of him (the boy-father, abandoned by his wife and a daughter to care for), a former colleague nympho and foul-mouthed, insulting children and 'tries' shamelessly ...

American Life seems to be, so to speak, the 'Christmas version' of Revolutionary Road: the tone is light, sarcastic, comedic light, camouflaged by another road movie ... but the powers are the same: the loss of values \u200b\u200bin a society that seems to have nothing more human, and where the only way of salvation seems to be precisely that of the 'called out', to cut bridges with the outside world, finding (finally) his place in the great soul childhood home, home uterine and 'uncontaminated'. Conclusion
perhaps trivial and obvious. But the film comes to us after an hour and a half fast and exciting, where you ride and it is reflected, not depressed. And, for a film 'Christmas', I'd say it is already too much.

RATING: * * *

London Broil Compared To Brisket

Merry Christmas! \\ DEPARTURES (Japan, 2008), Yojiro Takita

may seem a paradox: on Christmas day to see a film about death. Yet Departures , the Japanese film, which in 2008 won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film is one of the Best 'Christmas' I've ever seen, in the sense voucher term. It 's a poetic film, light, disarming in its sensitivity and ease with which it can penetrate into the mind of the beholder, tackling and playing down tones hour comedy hour touching (but not dramatic or blackmail) a difficult subject as precisely , that of ... transition.

Yes, because the 'departure' of the title are nothing more than that ... to the afterlife! At the same misunderstanding also falls naively Daigo, a young unemployed musician who returns to his native village to rebuild their lives and seek new employment. The protagonist meets an ambiguous job announcement, believing that he was hired by a travel agency, and instead will understand soon That those '' agency 'is particularly concerned with only ... of the 'last' trip! Daigo finds himself doing the 'Thanatos-aesthetic' , namely the one in the ancient Japanese tradition that has the task of play, heal and restore dignity to the body of the deceased before being cremated.

At the 'News' is obviously shocking, but the pay is good and the effort is not great. So Daigo accepts the job, discovering day after day to have a special talent ... him, shy and sensitive boy, with little confidence in himself (he has given up music career because he was convinced of his mediocrity) will find out through the relationship with the families of deceased and the sacredness of an art as old as the world, the key to its existence. Through a ritual dance (but not morbid) who takes away the clothes and reassembles the body restoring a human face, Daigo finally feels useful and not insignificant, growing belief in its submissions, obtaining any 'experience' an important life lesson. In

Departures there is so much poetry and so much beauty. You breathe the air of a distant land and imaginative, hyper-technical yet very attached to their traditions, their own symbols and places. That may be a good hot tea, peach trees in bloom, a bathhouse frequented by the elders of the village, a full bar left memories ...
And there's so much happiness, despite the theme of 'indecent': that of a boy who can develop and find their inner peace, despite the prejudices of others. And to give the viewer a sense of contentment and comfort.
Sorry if it is little.

RATING: * * * *

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cherry Blowwom Wedding

The First Stage of painter Roberto Ferri

The workshop of the painter Roberto Ferri will be held in November 2010 8-13 at the Farm "Terre Brune" Roccalbegna (Grosseto).
Lessons take place in a room used for the event inside the farm and have a duration of 7 hours daily for a total of 42 hours.
There will be a Model for the duration of the course.
The training includes lessons in addition to the living room Full board with local products from organic farming at "Terre Brune". It will also be possible to make excursions from the farm itself.
The confirmation must be made 15 days before the start of the stage.

For info send an email to:
with pictures of their work for selection
or contact phone number 3339402539

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Man In Xpress Train Online

Happy Birthday John!!

August 1 was the birthday of John
second love of my mother,

I could not make the cake I wanted for work,

But in the end, even if ended at 2 am is not so bad,

are three levels of cake,

made a total of 12 eggs, 450 of sugar and 450 flour,

and a half liters of custard
(but I've also stuffed profitterol and a puff pastry square)

pineapple chunks,

the first floor made with custard and pineapple

(which is what I like best:-P)

the second floor with chocolate pastry

and third pastry simple
decorations all ... ipercoop (rolleyes..)
we celebrated in the park in front of the house,
the kids have a lot of fun .....
species to bathe with water from the spring ....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What Does Mucus Look Before Periods Due

pizza Civitavecchia

this is an Easter cake that I have always loved ..

our neighbor was Civitavecchia

and every year for Easter

she went to visit her parents

and always brought her back there,

emanated a scent delightful if only by opening the package,


We reciprocate with classic pastiera

they adore ...

so my mother taught her to make pastiera,

but she did not want to give the recipe for pizza,

said was too "difficult" to do it,

after a thousand entreaties we managed to make him "give up"

few years at home and I can still smell a delicious

is not "difficult" Just make a little "longish"

because there are some times a little long because the leavening .....

but ... it's worth it, because it is very good!

remains well 10 days,

version so you can eat "nature"

or with something sweet,

after I learned that tradition is to eat on Easter morning for breakfast with sliced \u200b\u200bmeats I tried,

BEH! not bad!


I do not know if this is the original recipe,

but is equal to what they eat by small biz ola ....


pass ...... ingredients ...

serves primarily of bread dough / pizza,

I have mixed the night before with very little yeast

and left to rise all night,

always the night I soaked in

70gr.di vermouth, 10gr. anise seeds,

to facilitate the work I used the mixer,

the next morning blends

150gr. ricotta with 200g. bread dough / pizza

(made the night before)


10gr.di yeast dissolved in approximately 50gr. warm milk,

added a large egg and a small

mounted with 100gr. sugar

added 65gr. melted butter and cold,

8gr.di cinnamon

almost half a glass of alchermes,

450gr. '0 flour,

50 gr. cocoa,

a pinch of salt,

mix everything up until complete absorption of all ingredients,

let rise until almost doubled

(for the time to rise all depends on the amount of yeast used

and the ambient temperature)

deflate the dough make a ball and put in a round pan

(with the edges a bit high)

greased or buttered

(I used paper panettone molds)

just get to the edge brush the surface

with beaten egg yolk and

bake for about an hour in a preheated oven at 180 °

not tell you the scents .....

if anyone has another version of the recipe

I'd really like to know the variation

**** *
(click on the picture to see it enlarged)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Kindney Damage In 9 Month Old Puppy


Merry Easter

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Gowns For The Zulu Ball

Saturday, February 20, 2010

What Would I Look Like With A Shaved Head Free

diced vegetables for baby food weaning first swivel

here's one of the cubes while doing his job .......
are struggling with weaning,
I like the broth to your baby fresh all day, but
've ever having to leave early morning and hurry back to the 'the hour of his soup and broth was not ready :-(
the jars do not tempt me at all,

but one day I had to use for this reason,
although he took an organic already the smell was from bleahh!
so I thought of them at home
but for the first baby food jar is too much so I opted for the cubes,
as when I do the "nuts" for our stock,
I picked vegetables biological (speriamo. ..)
washed and cut into small pieces and made steamed separately
lettuce and Swiss chard,
fennel and potatoes,
together and blend,
put into containers to make ice cubes and frozen
I had never used fennel in broths
I must say that for me it was a revelation
gives a delicious flavor and taste to the broth,
course I tasted it and it's so good even without salt,
came out 40 cubes,
1-2 enough for a soup (depending on the month the baby)
course You can vary the vegetables and limits the use of jars industrialized ........

Monday, February 1, 2010

Average Dress Size Of An American

carpaccio with mozzarella, pine nuts and raisins

a filling carpaccio,
pine nuts and
a generous sprinkling of Parmesan cheese,
enclosed in a sheet of homemade pasta .....
I made a sheet
with 150gr. +150 of semolina flour and '00
3 fresh eggs,
up I put a couple of tablespoons of tomato sauce a very simple (cold)
spread the slices of carpaccio
added mozzarella,
raisins and pine nuts,
finally a beautiful sprinkling grated Parmesan cheese,
chopped parsley and a pinch of salt,
wrap as a kind of swivel (hence the name) and placed in a pan with plenty of sauce on the bottom,
which is used for cooking

play again with the sauce (leave a bit to aventuali added to the pot)
put in the oven heat to 180 degrees for about 40-45 minutes
Let the 10 minutes out of the oven,
season with a bit of sauce and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese left
pepper optional,
here a view of 2 portions where
the layers are visible, one with raisins and pine nuts
and melted mozzarella in the second photo
use other fillings, including:
mozzarella and ham,
sausage and mushrooms,
ground beef with peas, mushrooms and mozzarella,
buonappetito ....

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Can Dog Get Herpes Of Mouth?

guns of pastry with orange and chocolate pizza

buonisssimi fast and easy!

great for unexpected guests or to please a sweet tooth ....

should puff pastry,

of orange juice,

of cornstarch,

sugar and milk (for brushing)

Chocolate (a taste staff) here I've used the Lindt orange delicious!

then go back to guns ...

cut the dough into strips,

wrap around metal guns

(for I do not wrap them in butter parchment paper)

brush milk and sprinkle with sugar and cook until golden,

while you are cooking prepare the jelly orange

put sugar (to taste) and a tablespoon of cornstarch in a saucepan,

mix well 2 powders,

join the juice slowly so as not to create lumps,
no cook over low heat until beginning to thicken,
turn off and cool,

with a spoon or even better with a sac- a few,

fill the cannon in the middle

insert a piece of chocolate and finish filling to the edge
sprinkle with powdered sugar and finish with a square of chocolate,
refrigerate to thicken them a little

like a lot, are not too sweet
and orange-chocolate combination is DELICIOUS!

TRY TO BELIEVE ......... .........

Saturday, January 2, 2010

P90x Copy Dvd 1 Skips


as is traditional Neapolitan Christmas Eve

become endives ....

but as is traditional in my family

are never eat and always end

...... hopelessly in a delicious pizza with escarole,

and I wonder why this ends up in a flash ....

we prepare the way:

boil the endive,

then let it go in a sauté of garlic and extra oil,

adding salted anchovies (desalted and bones)

then add raisins and pine nuts,

capers and black olives but only those of Gaeta,

is a delicious side dish,

but perhaps because taken from a thousand other delicacies are put a little aside,

.... or maybe because then we know

ending in a pizza we like best,

even now that I'm married to tradition has remained ....

made the pizza dough is left to rise, he lies in a tin is filled with escarole, cover with more dough to rise and drop,
I like to cover the surface with the oil of endives
you bake in preheated oven for 30-40 minutes

.. .. a unique bounty .....

very nearly we go back a little thought ....