Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jamaican Traditional Style And Dress

Merry Christmas! \\ AMERICAN LIFE (USA, 2010) Sam Mendes

'Away we go' says the original title, far more eloquent than buckled from our distribution, which mimics the recent past, the director Sam Mendes ... America is described in this film in fact has nothing to 'Beauty', but rather looks like any other country in the world, with the same problems and the same hopes of a young couple looking for, believe you can find it really, a kind of 'place' where to give birth to their son.
Bart and Verona are both thirty-four, precarious, with few certainties and many dreams in my head. And they live their insecurity and disillusionment with total awareness, typical of those in this condition, in fact, there is always.

They wander far and wide for all of North America, from Phoenix to Tucson, from Madison to Colorado and to Canada in search of 'community' to establish and perfect where plant roots through this journey came upon characters improbable and surreal, like a cousin of Bart and totally sirocco 'flower child' (With a huge bed where they sleep all the members of the family, children included), the brother of him (the boy-father, abandoned by his wife and a daughter to care for), a former colleague nympho and foul-mouthed, insulting children and 'tries' shamelessly ...

American Life seems to be, so to speak, the 'Christmas version' of Revolutionary Road: the tone is light, sarcastic, comedic light, camouflaged by another road movie ... but the powers are the same: the loss of values \u200b\u200bin a society that seems to have nothing more human, and where the only way of salvation seems to be precisely that of the 'called out', to cut bridges with the outside world, finding (finally) his place in the great soul childhood home, home uterine and 'uncontaminated'. Conclusion
perhaps trivial and obvious. But the film comes to us after an hour and a half fast and exciting, where you ride and it is reflected, not depressed. And, for a film 'Christmas', I'd say it is already too much.

RATING: * * *


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