Sunday, March 6, 2011

Womens And Mens Girdles

the gem (Italy, 2011) Andrea Molaioli

"Aside from the fourteen billion debt, this company is a gem." The sentence has been attribute to Calisto Tanzi, and is emblematic of a certain level of typical local entrepreneurial class, that of the 'billionaires provincial 'which, with great ignorance and despicable cialtronaggine pretend to be fathers and masters of Italian finance in the immediate post-tangentopoli. It was the second half of the '90s, the storm that had crumbled the first republic had not yet subsided, but there were those who, in spite of all, it allows you to 'invent' from scratch easy money, trusting in his own omnipotence, heedless of the consequences (both about themselves and those, far more dramatic, to unsuspecting investors who had given them confidence). In other words: change everything so that nothing changes, according to the well-known theory gattopardiana.

Little Men, mean people, rude in appearance and awkwardness: they deal in hand, barely speak English, plunge in the stock market without knowledge of the facts, without ideas, without dignity, without shame. Spending and spreading, falsify financial statements, they steal from their pockets (the climax!), Using their own business as an ATM. They are called Tanzi, Cragnotti, Fiorani, Coppola, Ricucci ... inept and barbarous people, sad example of a country (always spelled with a 'p' lower case) that too often is identified in their own image and likeness. And too often covered the misdeeds of these individuals, even encouraging their career disturbing. This is shown various decriminalization of false accounting, the failure of viglilanza bodies, politicians behind 'lavish rewards' (Let's call it that) to turn a blind eye (and maybe both) in the face of blatant criminality.

's latest film Molaioli says this, and should be acknowledged that they had courage. The film is not perfect, far from it, but the central purpose: to sketch out the meanness and squalor of a society based on easy money and corruption, where it goes on for 'knowledge', 'friends' support politicians, and where those who are striving to be honest (or less 'villain' of others, if you prefer) is inevitably a bad end. The story follows that of expressly Parmalat , but not necessarily to make a comparison with the 'protagonists' age. And 'just' an Italian story 'like many others, as an example.
The film is quite instructive, has a structure a bit 'too' television ', it gives a superficial and even naive enough situations far more complex and dramatic, mix the drama and by referring to places far more common that (the woman in career who goes to bed with his head), but it must be said that overall, involves and passionate, though not a movie 'complaint' but a good film of inquiry, definitely 'out of context' and courageous in the current panorama of Film home.

Good performers, all well chosen: Servillo is 'imperial' as always in his role, but runs the risk of 'inflating' its image always playing the part of the 'cynical bastard' sooner or then we would like to see him in a comedy ... Remo Girone, modest and restrained, perfectly embodies the role of the entrepreneur and naive 'old style', overwhelmed by events. Sarah Felberbaum , beautiful and 'bitch' in the right place, his first major role is more than credible.

RATING: * * *


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