Friday, March 11, 2011

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We finally reached the first real important piece of the new majority: the 2011 budget.
Covering the "promises" of the campaign and looking back at the attacks against our directors in the past five years thought we would be faced with tariff reductions and new works, but the reality, unfortunately, is another.
The school transport will increase by 100% in school year 2011/2012, the nursery will increase from 30 to 40%, the canteen food stamps will increase by 10% with the new school year.
Regarding the waste is provided between estimates of expenditure reduction and revenue increase of over € 150,000 but the price remains unchanged.
Fixed costs for lighting, heating of schools, electricity have been reduced in all chapters. But these expenditures increased only for families or maybe they wanted to "underestimate" in order to balance a budget that after a year of Administration PDL-League is already on the ropes? We remind all the renegotiation of certain loans that will bring about 70,000 € in 2011 but savings in the long run the city (and us all) will pay about 1.6 million Euros.
The only items of expenditure appear to be increased allowances and reimbursements of the current administration ....
public works, beyond the usual empty phrases for effect, it's still nothing on the horizon if we exclude asphalt made with the money left from the center of the advanced, and meanwhile there are more places in the cemetery of Samarate center not to mention the broken promises of work on closing the streets in Verghera and roundabouts Via Locarno.
also expect the operating result of ASC in mind that for 2010 was revised service contract with more transfers and reductions in fees by the municipality for about € 120,000.
Montevecchio Foundation, administered by the center so far has closed 2010 with a profit of about € 20,000. We will see what will the next Board of Directors.
There is a doubt whether a majority of PDL-League did not have so carelessly thrown away the PGT might not be so hard to profile a year also saw cuts Tremonti, made in defiance of federalism.

Ilaria Ceriani, PD secretary Samarate


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