Saturday, February 20, 2010

What Would I Look Like With A Shaved Head Free

diced vegetables for baby food weaning first swivel

here's one of the cubes while doing his job .......
are struggling with weaning,
I like the broth to your baby fresh all day, but
've ever having to leave early morning and hurry back to the 'the hour of his soup and broth was not ready :-(
the jars do not tempt me at all,

but one day I had to use for this reason,
although he took an organic already the smell was from bleahh!
so I thought of them at home
but for the first baby food jar is too much so I opted for the cubes,
as when I do the "nuts" for our stock,
I picked vegetables biological (speriamo. ..)
washed and cut into small pieces and made steamed separately
lettuce and Swiss chard,
fennel and potatoes,
together and blend,
put into containers to make ice cubes and frozen
I had never used fennel in broths
I must say that for me it was a revelation
gives a delicious flavor and taste to the broth,
course I tasted it and it's so good even without salt,
came out 40 cubes,
1-2 enough for a soup (depending on the month the baby)
course You can vary the vegetables and limits the use of jars industrialized ........

Monday, February 1, 2010

Average Dress Size Of An American

carpaccio with mozzarella, pine nuts and raisins

a filling carpaccio,
pine nuts and
a generous sprinkling of Parmesan cheese,
enclosed in a sheet of homemade pasta .....
I made a sheet
with 150gr. +150 of semolina flour and '00
3 fresh eggs,
up I put a couple of tablespoons of tomato sauce a very simple (cold)
spread the slices of carpaccio
added mozzarella,
raisins and pine nuts,
finally a beautiful sprinkling grated Parmesan cheese,
chopped parsley and a pinch of salt,
wrap as a kind of swivel (hence the name) and placed in a pan with plenty of sauce on the bottom,
which is used for cooking

play again with the sauce (leave a bit to aventuali added to the pot)
put in the oven heat to 180 degrees for about 40-45 minutes
Let the 10 minutes out of the oven,
season with a bit of sauce and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese left
pepper optional,
here a view of 2 portions where
the layers are visible, one with raisins and pine nuts
and melted mozzarella in the second photo
use other fillings, including:
mozzarella and ham,
sausage and mushrooms,
ground beef with peas, mushrooms and mozzarella,
buonappetito ....