Friday, December 12, 2008

Delhi Woman Saree Boobs

Ferri and Roberto Alberto Agazzani to exhibition Foemina "the IEO

Homemade 2 Man Ice Shanty

Professor. Maurizio Marini of the top experts of Caravaggio, Roberto Ferri and Alberto Agazzani the exhibition "Poetry of the Body"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Carolina Lab 5 Respiration Teacher Guide

Show "FOEMINA - The breast in art and medicine" by Alberto Agazzani

time and location
Date: Monday, November 24
11:00 to 14:00
Foundation Umberto Veronesi - European Institute of Oncology
Address: Via Ripamonti 435
City / Town:
Milan, Italy

Contact Info
Phone: 0229015286


A journey through 35,000 years of history of the representation of the female breast. From the Venus of Willendorf to today, through van Eych and Memling, Giorgione, Titian, Goya and Cagnacci to Renoir, Modigliani, Picasso, Bacon, Tübke, Freud, Nerdrum, Currin and many others to tell a story as long as the history of ' humanity. There will be on display works by Giuseppe Bergomi, Andrew Boyer, Claudia Bianchi, Gianluca Chiodi, Girolamo Ciulla, Roberto Ferri, Alfio Jurado, Gonzalo Orquin, Ugo Riva, Gianni Ruspaggiari, Claudio Valenti, Peter von Balthasar

The event, sponsored by the National Women's Health in collaboration with the Fondazione Umberto Veronesi and with the contribution of Roche, will depart from Milan to touch the main Italian and European cities.

in Milan on 24 November 2008 to January 10, 2009.

Catalogue published by Edizioni Bolis.

Anyone Buy From

Show "THE POETRY OF THE BODY" on curated by the critic Alberto Agazzani

Roberto Ferri - Giovanni Gasparro - Alfio Juror - Claudio Valenti - Gonzalo Orquin
Chiari Gallery October 22-December 14
By Alberto Agazzani

A new collective the Galleria Chiari. The appointment is for Wednesday, October 22 at 18.30 in Via Santa Maria del Western, 56 in Rome where he will open the exhibition "Poetry of the Body" which has as its protagonists Roberto Ferri, Giovanni Gasparro, Juror Alfio, Claudio Valenti, and Gonzalo Orquin.
"My gallery - explains Cinzia Chiari - continuing its location on the figurative, as announced, the focus moves out of five young artists and top talent that transform rooms in enchanting environment where the body becomes the center of the world."
The 16 works (four irons and three each for the other artists) tell because all the different variations of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe painted car body as a sensory, ranging from overflowing imaginative and visionary Roberto Ferri, the tormented figures of Giovanni Gasparro, bodies and dreamed of Gonzalo Orquin dreamy, painterly sensibility in English but contaminated by the all-Italian modern classics, to the tortured bodies and sculpted in the flesh and bones of Catania Alfio juror. To complete this trip in the "poetry of the body and the female figures suspended in a limbo without dimensions of the Roman Claudio Valenti.
"The Body of Christ - makes clear the critical Alberto Agazzani - painting is the body par excellence, Nemesis key image for any and all invention. And the mother, like that of Mary Magdalene, the image of the mystical and sensual mystery and the birth of love in all its forms. Difficult to break away from these references that always and everywhere, even in the secular or agnostic artist, will remain a vital and indispensable reference. The twentieth century - concludes Agazzani - is the century of the body, which becomes the center of it all, the subject of mystery par excellence in which to search for answers to questions old and today re-proposed. "

22 October -14 December Admission Free Gallery
Chiari: Via Santa Maria Wailing, 56 - 00186 Roma
Exhibition hours: Monday to Saturday from 15 to 20 in the morning by appointment
Tel 06-68139454; www.galleriachiari. en e-mail:

E 'possible to arrange a preview for the press on the morning of Wednesday, October 22

Press Anna Astrella - mobile: 347-3695423; anna.astrella @

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why Is My Pellet Stove Dust

Letter from prof. Maurizio Marini "

Rome July 24, 2008

"... I take this opportunity both to extend a cordial greeting and a wish for next summer, either to report the activities of the young painter Roberto Ferri. These, which has a painting dagl'intensi links with history, it offers personal interpretation with a view reminiscent of the chiaroscuro and dramatic naturalism of Caravaggio.
But, above all, with a technique and a conception of absolute vein contemporary lyric-dramatic and provocative, and ironic and outrageous that connect to the size the last Surrealist Dali. Nevertheless, in his pictures, keeping in mind the wording of the great masters (just from Caravaggio to Dali) iron does not follow slavishly in his footsteps, but tries in their responses to the existential questions of all time, in addition to concerns of our day, in the balance between nature and its fading ... "

Prof. Maurizio Marini

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Turn Off Veriface Windows 7 000000


Implantation Bleeding Days Before Period

artist The artist by His Excellency Mons Rodolfo Cetoloni and the President of the Congregation of Frederick Useless

President Madison Cb Radio Diagram

Longobardi's work in the Duomo of Montepulciano His Excellency Monsignor Rodolfo

Wear A Diaper Recovery Cetoloni uncovers the painting